Gain competitive insights through fund comparison
Instantly see how any fund stacks up with comprehensive peer analysis. Uncover factor exposures and fund comparisons on performance, risk measures, ESG and more for over 28,000 funds and ETFs.
Part of the Style Analytics solution
Peer Insights™: Gain factor transparency into a universe of competing funds
Access unparalleled factor exposures data.We’ve pre-calculated over 28,000 funds’ factor exposures based on their underlying holdings data so you can create custom peer groups with ease. Visually compare factor exposures across funds to see outliers and demonstrate differentiation.
Style Skyline™ sets the standard for intuitive visualization of factor exposures.
Access unparalleled factor exposures data.Collecting data for peer analysis can be time consuming. We’ve pre-calculated over 28,000 funds’ factor exposures, based on their underlying holdings data, so you can get accurate peer insights instantly.
See how a fund stacks up against its peer so you can differentiate.
Uncover how managers differentiate themselves.Compare a fund to its custom peer group to reveal key factor exposures behind an investment strategy. Create a short list of managers that fit your criteria.
Compare and select managers using analysis of 130+ factors.
Put fund of funds analysis at your fingertips.Building a fund of funds or replacing a fund manager can be a daunting task. Fund of Funds Studio streamlines the process so you can make quick comparisons. Select from peer groups, build a buy-list and conduct factor analysis in a few clicks.
Visually compare various sub-fund options to narrow your buy-list.
Access unparalleled factor exposures data.We’ve pre-calculated over 28,000 funds’ factor exposures based on their underlying holdings data so you can create custom peer groups with ease. Visually compare factor exposures across funds to see outliers and demonstrate differentiation.
Style Skyline™ sets the standard for intuitive visualization of factor exposures.
Access unparalleled factor exposures data.Collecting data for peer analysis can be time consuming. We’ve pre-calculated over 28,000 funds’ factor exposures, based on their underlying holdings data, so you can get accurate peer insights instantly.
See how a fund stacks up against its peer so you can differentiate.
Uncover how managers differentiate themselves.Compare a fund to its custom peer group to reveal key factor exposures behind an investment strategy. Create a short list of managers that fit your criteria.
Compare and select managers using analysis of 130+ factors.
Put fund of funds analysis at your fingertips.Building a fund of funds or replacing a fund manager can be a daunting task. Fund of Funds Studio streamlines the process so you can make quick comparisons. Select from peer groups, build a buy-list and conduct factor analysis in a few clicks.
Visually compare various sub-fund options to narrow your buy-list.
Analyze competing funds quickly, with confidence
Peer Insights™, part of the Style Analytics solution, allows you to instantly compare any fund to any peer group of your choice. We’ve pre-calculated over 28,000 funds’ factor exposures – based on their underlying holdings data – so you can see exactly how a fund stands out from the crowd. Fund of Funds Studio makes it easy to build, compare and assess any fund of funds in minutes. The innovative Similyzer™ module tells you exactly how similar a fund is to other funds so you can demonstrate clear differentiation.
130+ pre-calculated factor exposures on over 28,000 funds
Style Skyline™ sets the industry standard for intuitive visualization of factor exposures
Innovative comparisons on factors, performance, risk, ESG and other metrics across specific funds or any fund of funds
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Asset Manager Use Case for Similyzer™

“Style Analytics is the best factor analysis solution available. It allows you to analyze your own fund and tells you what other funds are most similar—and different from your style. It’s visual, process-oriented, statistical and instantly performs objective analyses for your use. With capabilities to analyze against portfolio, market, and peers, everyone would benefit from this tool.”
Demo Peer Insights™
If you have a question or need more info, we would be delighted to speak with you.

Investment Metrics, a Confluence Company, is a global leading provider of investment analytics, reporting, data and research solutions that help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes, grow assets and retain clients with clear investment insights.