See the big picture with factor analysis
Understand factor performance in your markets so you can evaluate your portfolios’ style factor exposures and risk. We do the heavy lifting to save you time and resources.

Part of the Style Analytics solution
Markets Analyzer: Know which factors outperformed
Instantly see what's happening in the market.Consistent colors and intuitive visuals allow you to instantly understand factor exposures in your markets. This provides critical market context to the performance of any equity portfolio.
Our Style Skyline™ sets the industry standard for intuitive visualization of factor exposures.
Pinpoint market trends.Instantly examine how equity markets behaved in different environments. Unlock decades of historical data. Customize a universe of stocks and select the countries, sectors and individual factors you want to analyze.
See the market return trend over time.
Leave the heavy lifting to us.We provide a full managed service in which we collect your data, run the analysis and send you a complete set of reports illustrating your portfolios’ style factor exposures and risk each month.
Get your monthly factor analysis from us.
Instantly see what's happening in the market.Consistent colors and intuitive visuals allow you to instantly understand factor exposures in your markets. This provides critical market context to the performance of any equity portfolio.
Our Style Skyline™ sets the industry standard for intuitive visualization of factor exposures.
Pinpoint market trends.Instantly examine how equity markets behaved in different environments. Unlock decades of historical data. Customize a universe of stocks and select the countries, sectors and individual factors you want to analyze.
See the market return trend over time.
Leave the heavy lifting to us.We provide a full managed service in which we collect your data, run the analysis and send you a complete set of reports illustrating your portfolios’ style factor exposures and risk each month.
Get your monthly factor analysis from us.
Factors help tell your unique story
Markets Analyzer, part of the Style Analytics solution, provides critical market context to the performance of any equity portfolio. With Style Skyline™, you can quickly visualize factor exposures of the equity markets. Our managed service compiles a custom factor analysis monthly report just for you. Whatever your level of need is, we’ll help you evaluate your portfolios’ style factor exposures and understand the drivers behind factor performance and risk.
Intuitive visualization of factor exposures relative to your benchmark with Style Skyline™
Flexibility to create a custom universe of stocks, countries, sectors and individual factors
Save time and resources with our managed service, delivering custom monthly reports straight to you
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If you have a question or need more info, we would be delighted to speak with you.

Investment Metrics, a Confluence Company, is a global leading provider of investment analytics, reporting, data and research solutions that help institutional investors and advisors achieve better financial outcomes, grow assets and retain clients with clear investment insights.