Put accurate data at your fingertips.
Collecting data for peer analysis can be time consuming. We pre-calculated thousands of funds’ factor tilts – based on their underlying holdings data so you can get accurate peer insights. Now you can quickly compare funds with confidence, at a fraction of the cost.

Identify differentiators against your closest competitors so you can prove value to investors.
Uncover factor-by-factor comparisons.
Select a desired fund and reveal the key factors behind a competing investment process. Use factors to create a short list of managers to fit your criteria. Compare your fund’s factor tilts to its peers’ through history.

Examine portfolios using our Style Skyline and select from 130+ factors.
Find all competing and complementary funds.
Similyzer™, a one-of-a-kind module within Peer Insights, allows you to sort and filter by factors, ESG, performance and risk measures to see how similar and different your fund is compared to the competition.

Ensure you are invested in the right fund. Win more assets by showing how unique your fund really is.
Differentiate your fund.
Create a custom peer group from over 28,000 funds using intuitive filters. Select funds with exposures to your preferred factors. With easy sorting and filtering, you can quickly prove your value.